This Institutional Implementation project is building on the work of ten senior faculty supported by a strong research and implementation staff dedicated to changing the culture of STEM instruction and increase the use of evidence-based teaching. The process is one of Researching Evidence-Based Undergraduate Instructional and Learning Developments (REBUILD), an approach inspired by the strong progress made under an earlier NSF ADVANCE grant to this University. The goal of REBUILD is to advance a culture of evidence-based teaching through the work of a team of ten leading faculty members from physics, chemistry, biology, math, and education. REBUILD forms the vanguard of these reform efforts, providing an embedded center of expertise in evidence-based education, supporting more than twenty course reform teams across all of our STEM disciplines, and spreading through dozens of research-to-reform seminars in our department colloquia. REBUILD is leveraging the efforts of the existing Learning Analytics Task Force and the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching. It has clear visible backing from the Provost, Deans, and Department Chairs. REBUILD course reform teams include faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates in multigenerational collaborations that emulate the traditional research groups at this University.