The rate of technological advancement in the automotive industry increases every year, as each automobile manufacturer releases new models that incorporate new technology. To help keep pace with these advances, this project plans to develop a pipeline from high school through college and into the automotive technician workforce. Students in the pipeline will be able to earn certificates or an Associate of Science degree in Automotive Technology. In addition, faculty will update their knowledge about innovations in automobile design and function, so they can improve their courses. The project includes collaborations with local industry to expand student opportunities and meet the needs of local businesses. By educating current and future automotive technicians, the project will provide access to a well-paying profession. As a result, this project has the potential to have strong, positive impacts for the rural, high poverty community in which the project is situated.
This project is grounded in a professional learning exchange among students, faculty, and master automotive dealership technicians. The project will enable participants to move as a cohort through a curricular pathway with integrated support services to boost retention and completion rates. Aspects of this support include a tailored First Year Experience course, a dedicated academic counselor, and general education classes with automotive themes. Students will earn an Associate of Science degree and/or certificates in automotive technology that meet both industry preparation standards and the needs of local employers. As part of their education, students will complete eighteen months of on-the-job learning in local dealerships and have opportunities to earn industry recognized certifications. The education program will prepare students for the industry-recognized Automotive Service Excellence certification test for master technicians. Local dealerships are the leading employer of automotive technicians and the proposed project will formalize newly created partnerships between the college and these businesses. For example, automotive technology faculty members will perform externships alongside dealership technicians, thus allowing faculty to increase their knowledge of and their ability to incorporate technical advances into their courses. Representatives of local automotive dealerships will serve on an advisory committee and as professional experts in the college classroom. This project is funded by the Advanced Technological Education program that focuses on the education of technicians for the advanced-technology fields that drive the nation's economy.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.