The goal of this project is to integrate into the chemistry laboratory curriculum multi-element Fourier transform NMR capability. Acquisition of an 80-MHz Fourier transform NMR will facilitate the research efforts of the undergraduate chemistry majors, and will allow students to measure and interpret NMR spectra of a number of elements besides hydrogen, such as carbon-13, phosphorus-31, and cobalt-59. Students will be introduced to FT-NMR with routine applications in the introductory organic chemistry laboratory, and will progress in more advance courses through increasingly sophisticated and specialized applications of this powerful experimental tool. Chemistry students will first use the instrument independently in the sophomore-level course Synthesis of Chemical Compounds. In the course Interpretive Spectroscopy, the FT-NMR will provide students with rigorous experience in the application of NMR spectra to structural problems. In laboratory courses in Chemical Analysis, Chemical Instrumentation, and Physical Measurements, students will study and exploit fast Fourier transform techniques and the computer capability of the instrument. Through this new experimental capability, the instrument will produce a significant improvement in chemistry education at Juniata College.