California State University, Long Beach, will purchase a seismograph with tape drive and falling-weight source, and supporting computing facilities to allow completion of two field projects (one each semester) in the senior level geophysics sequence. In the introductory geophysics (first semester), the equipment will be combined with departmental holdings in gravimetry, magnetics and electrical resistivity to conduct an engineering geophysics project, to help identify recently active traces of the San Andreas fault near Mecca Hills, California. In petroleum geophysics (second semester), the laboratory will use seismic reflection studies, combined with gravity and magnetic work, to characterize the subsurface geology in a producing oil field near Coalinga, California. In both cases, students will help plan the project from available literature, collect, reduce, and interpret data, and do some geological field work to facilitate interpretation. Specific reduction techniques have been chosen to supplement lecture and laboratory sessions A final comprehensive report will be written by each student for each project.