Technological advances over the past few years have produced some remarkable changes in laboratory instrumentation. It is essential that undergraduate science students develop a thorough understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of modern computer- controlled/computer-interfaced instrumentation. One of the most powerful instrumental methods for separating and identifying the components of a complicated mixture is Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS). Students of chemistry, biology and other sciences are being educated in the theory, operation, practices and capabilities of this powerful technique. GC/MS is being introduced into analytical and organic chemistry during the sophomore year. Six upper-level courses are being improved to give the student ample opportunity to gain proficiency in the technique. The infrastructure of science is being strengthened when young scientists no longer have to remove, in graduate schools and in industrial laboratories, deficiencies accumulated as undergraduates because of the lack of the state-of-the-art instructional scientific equipment. The grantee is matching the award from non-Federal sources.