Sophomore and upper level biology majors, while grounded in the facts of biology, routinely are grossly lacking in an understanding and appreciation of the overall significance of experimental laboratory results. This project addresses this deficiency by establishing a new cell biology laboratory using microscopic techniques exclusively for the elucidation of (1) cell and tissue structure, (2) localization and structure of tubulin and microtubules, and (3) the localization and structure of mitochondria and succinic dehydrogenase. These are being accomplished using histological procedures, bright field microscopy, semithin sectioning, transmission electron microscopy, indirect immunofluorescence microscopy, phase contrast microscopy, and cytochemistry of frozen sections at the light microscope level. The following major equipment is being purchased in order to establish this laboratory: ultramicrotome, fluorescent microscopes, cryostat and student microscopes. The investigations are being carried out and then used by students as a basis for elucidating the limitations of biological techniques and the incomplete nature of experimental results. Equally significant, this new laboratory provides first-hand, detailed learning of a variety of modern, up-to- date, microscopical techniques. This cell biology course is populated by pre-health professionals, by health professionals who are continuing their education and training, by prospective high school biology teachers, and by a sizeable group of majors. The grantee institution is matching the NSF award with an equal sum obtained from non-Federal sources.