A gas chromatograph and high-pressure liquid chromatograph are improving laboratory instruction in Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Chemistry for Non- Science Majors, General Chemistry and Advanced Laboratory Courses as well as Undergraduate Research. The acquisition of GC and HPLC instruments is enhancing student understanding of a) the fundamentals of chromatographic science; b) the utilization of GC and HPLC for qualitative and quantitative analysis of chemical systems; c) the utilization of GC and HPLC for investigating reaction mechanisms; and d) the utilization of GC and HPLC for separation and purification of chemical compounds. As GC and HPLC instruments are found in most governmental, industrial and academic laboratories, the introduction of GC and HPLC into the undergraduate chemistry program is better preparing the students for future employment in the chemical profession. Also the use of GC and HPLC instruments in introductory courses for non-science majors is acquainting these students with the use of one of the major principles and methods in chemistry. The grantee is matching the award from non-Federal sources.