Molecular and Cellular Biology are viewed by this department as the primary instrumentation courses offered to majors. These courses are being integrated into a two-semester sequence, and have an extensive laboratory component located in a new molecular biology laboratory. Instruments with three experimental capabilities are being added or upgraded in order to maximize the effectiveness of students' experience: (a) polarographic equipment, (b) an ELISA plate reader and (c) equipment for quantitative assessment of gel electrophoresis runs utilizing photography, densitometry and autoradiography. A quality laboratory experience should provide students with opportunities to do quantitative work as opposed to mere exercises for illustrating the principle or mechanism of a specific technique. This equipment permits a sophisticated level of hands-on experimentation, introducing students to the current concepts, terminology and techniques of the field. In addition to strengthening the Molecular and Cellular Biology courses, the instrumentation is enhancing laboratory work in Immunology, Endocrinology and Genetics, and significantly broadening the scope of Directed Student Research offered as part of the Biology curriculum. The grantee institution is matching the NSF award with an equal sum obtained from non-Federal sources.