With help from the instruments obtained through this project, the Biology and Psychology Departments are increasing their interdisciplinary approach to neurobiological studies. The two departments already share labs and animal room facilities and cross- fertilize one another's laboratory exercises in Physiological Psychology and Histology. In the latter case, lesioned rat brains are microscopically examined in the Histology lab. The present project is fostering the further development of this type of cooperation. With a new Biology faculty member who is acquainted with fluorescent microscopy, studies of brain neurotransmitters are being incorporated into several course. With new computer-interfaced instrumentation, the Psychology Department is able to improve undergraduates' laboratory work in electrophysiology. Through the sharing of this equipment, techniques perfected in the Psychology Department have become available to students in Physiology courses. Additional instruments enable the Psychology Department to include in its laboratory program some EEG and biofeedback studies, while enabling the Biology Department to update the performance level and reliability of its physiological monitoring equipment. The requested equipment also enhances undergraduate research projects already boosted by a highly effective DANA Foundation program which financially supports undergraduates doing summer research. The grantee institution is matching the NSF award with an equal sum obtained from non-Federal sources.