The study of social interaction, the observation of behavior in its social context, is a central endeavor of developmental, personality and social psychologists. Accordingly, this project establishes a "Social Interaction Laboratory" for undergraduate instruction in a range of seven courses from Introductory Psychology to upper-level research seminars. Funds support the purchase of a) videotape equipment to allow students to make permanent records of interaction in laboratory or natural settings, b) an integrated video/computer system for on-line coding of interaction data, and c) software for the analysis of interaction data. This laboratory enhances the current curriculum, and in some cases allows for the first time, students to observe, be trained, and actively participate in the study of human social interaction. Applications include studies of mother-infant interaction, dominance hierarchies in children's play, the dynamics of gender in small group discussions, analyses of political debates, and a number of other projects. The institution is matching the NSF grant with an equal amount of funds.