This Oceanography Short Course for Instructors of Undergraduate Marine Sciences is updating instructors from 2- and 4-year institutions in the technologically impacted ocean sciences. State of the art information in marine research and applications is being provided, along with hands-on experiences in oceanographic sample collecting and data analysis and new instructional materials and techniques. Forty participants selected from across the nation are earning three graduate semester hours in Marine Studies by participating in a variety of activities at the University, and at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (UCSD), Grossmont Community College, the coastal nuclear power station at San Onofre, commercial agriculture facilities and Sea World/Hubbs Research Institute. Field excursions include data and sample collecting aboard the 125' R/V Gordon Sproul, site visits to classic exposures of sedimentary marine facies, and a voyage past the Los Coronados Islands to Ensenada, Mexico, to the University Autonomia de Baja California Marine Studies facilities. The program is presenting a broad spectrum of ocean-related information for undergraduate classrooms: cutting edge scientific information, instructional materials and software, and data on current marine studies programs and employment possibilities. Funds are also being provided by the participants home institutions as well as the NSF Block Grant for the Research Vessel.