The Independent Colleges Office, representing 30 leading liberal arts colleges will conduct a year of activities focused on the leadership role of the liberal arts colleges in maintaining America's scientific productivity into the 21st century.Project participants, selected to be representative of the broader liberal arts constituency, will: - identify the challenges facing this sector of the educational community, including a review of existing studies; - examine current programs underway to address those challenges and ascertain the adequacy of available resources to support those programs; - determine what steps need to be taken during the coming decade to sustain and expand the capacity of the private liberal arts college to maintain its position as a critical link in the scientific pipeline and in the development of a scientifically literate society; - develop position papers that establish an agenda for a Plan of Action to undertake those steps and plan a National Assembly for the Fall of 1990 to consider that Plan of Action. The grantee, the Independent College Office, participating colleges, and other organizations will contribute an additional 70% of the award toward the operation of the project.