Indiana University will establish a comprehensive program for training elementary teachers in science which will include the following activities: (1) revision of introductory science courses to emphasize conceptual understanding and the application of computer technology; (2) the establishment of a "science specialist" curriculum; (3) the development of an interdisciplinary science capstone course for the science specialists; (4) the creation of a special science methods course for the science specialists emphasizing computer technology and new teaching approaches such as group learning, the learning cycle, constructivism, and science misconceptions; (5) the establishment of a program of Saturday Science Experiences for elementary children in the community; (6) the development of computer-assisted lessons on mathematical concepts in science; (7) training a network of mentor teachers in the local community through a series of summer workshops; and (7) an inservice program for all elementary teachers in the local school system. The cost- sharing by the University and the local school system is $342,254, which is 27% of NSF's contribution.