The computer controlled coordinate measuring machine (CMM) represents a final phase in the development of a computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) system. It is an addition to the current facilities that includes a 30 station PC based computer aided design drafting laboratory using AutoCad software; a Harris mini computer using CAD/CAM software; an 18 station PC manufacturing management laboratory featuring manufacturing resource planning and simulation software, and a three machine computer numerical control (CNC) laboratory scheduled for upgrade. All are integrated via Novel software and an IBM Token-Ring computing network. The CIM has become a part of the CIM network and, using the CMM software, is able to inspect parts from projects developed in the CAD and CAM Laboratories. The CMM is used primarily by the Materials Testing and Measurements Class, but has impact on Statistical Quality Control and other courses using the CAD and CAM facilities. The award is being matched by an equal amount from the principal investigator's institution.