This project establishes a Computer-Integrated Electronics laboratory for undergraduate instruction. The laboratory is composed of ten workstations, each containing an IEEE-488 networked digital oscilloscope, arbitrary waveform generator, digital multimeter, and a 386-based PC equipped with math co- processor, VGA graphics, 80 MB hard disk hardware and SPICE simulation, scientific graphing, schematic and printed circuit layout design, data management and wordprocessor software. This laboratory provides the medium for the integration of computers and computer technology into the instruction of Electronics. The measurement equipment, computers, and software constitute a complete workstation environment allowing computer controlled automatic testing and measurement of electronic circuits and systems, data/signal acquisition, data/signal processing, circuit design, schematics drawing, printed circuit design and layout, and electronic circuit simulation. This laboratory simultaneously meets the needs of introductory and advanced electronics courses, exposes the student to modern computer interfaced instrumentation and computer aided circuit design, and provides on-site simulation and data/signal processing tools. It also provides an integrated environment for undergraduate research and design projects. The award is being matched with a greater, 158%, amount by the principal investigator's institution.