The objective of this project is to develop new instructional materials that change, fundamentally, how structural geology is taught to undergraduate students in the earth sciences. Current textbooks and laboratory manuals present excellent treatments of the geometric description and classification of rock structures, but do not effectively integrate this material with the principles and quantitative methods of structural analysis based on continuum mechanics. A new textbook, specifically designed to accomplish this integration, can be used to disseminate the project results to other educators and students. Packaged with the textbook, and representing a fresh approach to instructional materials in structural geology, is a floppy disk of computer exercises keyed to chapters in the textbook. The exercises are set up as templates using Microsoft Excel for computation and graphics, and are compatible with both the Macintosh and IBM PC. The computer exercises combine the map data and descriptive observations of classical structural geology with the relevant mathematical methods and principles of engineering mechanics. By making concepts understandable and analysis methods available that heretofore have been restricted to graduate courses or practicing professionals, this project prepares undergraduates better for advanced degrees and professional careers. The language and methods learned in this course prepare geologists to communicate effectively with engineers and other scientists, a key requirement for the multidisciplinary problem solving methods that will typify industrial practices in the next century. This project aims to provide a prototype for instructional materials that can be emulated across the spectrum of earth science education.