This project is interfacing computers with laboratory equipment in the introductory physics laboratory at Vassar College. The result is a more effective teaching and learning environment. When data are acquired quickly and displayed visually, there is more time for understanding the physical concepts, and the resulting flexibility allows for more spontaneous learning experiences. Nine computer stations, each with an interface, associated probes and software, as well as one laser printer, and one liquid crystal overhead display are being acquired. The equipment is being used with new curricula developed around a new pedagogical approach to the introductory laboratory. The project is incorporating ideas from previous microcomputer- based laboratories and is developing many new experimental protocols. In particular, Supercard is being used to develop an integrated learning environment incorporating text, tutorials, graphics, and animations on the computer. This is a departure from the traditional approach, where lab instructions were followed in a rote manner. This project is creating an interactive learning environment, where students are experimenting with variables, tracking the results, and exploring cause and effect relationships that underscore fundamental physical laws. NSF grant funds are being matched with funds from non-federal sources.