The Animal Physiology labs at Holy Cross offer a rather unique lab experience. Not only do the students do a number of exercises typical to many such labs, but they also are heavily encouraged to be independent and to understand all aspects of experimental work: design, ethics, principles of the operation of equipment, the role an sources of variation, interpretation and written and oral presentation. Recently, we have also incorporated independent projects. However, we have been hampered by lack of two critical pieces of equipment: oxygen and carbon dioxide analyzers. Whereas in other regards, we are exceptionally well equipped, the lack of ability to easily analyze reparatory gases greatly reduces the quality of labs that are central to the course (which emphasizes reparation and metabolism). It severely restricts the scope of student projects and forces them to do less than they are capable of and wish to do. To remedy this situation, we are requesting an oxygen analyzer to augment the one already present and three carbon dioxide analyzers.