Scientific investigation, the process of formulating hypotheses, designing experiments, and analyzing results is a critical aspectof any undergraduate program seeking to produce graduates capable of critical thought. This important aspect of education has been missing from many computer science programs. Introductory computer science courses are typically taught with heavy emphasis towards programming assignments. Students tend to perceive computer science as the tedious and repetitious study of writing relatively simple computer programs. Scientifically oriented students are often drawn from the mundane task of introductory programming to more dynamic fields of experimentation and analysis. These students never experience the enormous variety and challenge of computer problem solving. This project is designed to alter the way computer science is taught at the introductory level. Four laboratory courses have been specifically designed to serve both as a solid foundation forundergraduate majors and minors as well as to expose non-majors tothe exciting and varied facets of computer science. The courses,Foundations I & II, provide a breadth-first introduction to major fields within computer science. The course, Computer Problem Solving, augments the foundations courses with a problem solving perspective of computer programming. Students will use supplied abstract data types and alternative problem solving methods such as dynamic programming and divide-and-conquer in the solution and analysis of classic computer science problems. The fourth course, Data Structures extends this problem-solving perspective by comparing and analyzing alternative implementations of the abstract data types used in the computer problem-solving courses. All four courses combine laboratory and lecture to produce a dynamic environment of hands-on experimentation and analysis.