We propose a project designed to increase the scientific literacy of undergraduate non-majors at Northern Arizona University and community colleges in Arizona with predominantly ethnic minority populations, Navajo Community College, Pima Community College, and Cochise Community College. The project has four major foci: (1) We intend to restructure an introductory biology course for non-majors so that it enhances students' scientific literacy and their understanding of multidisciplinary approaches to real-world problems. The laboratory component for the course will provide students the opportunity to do inquiry-based and research-oriented science. (2) We would effect systemic change at NAU and the three community colleges by developing and implementing professional development seminars and practical workshops for graduate teaching assistants and faculty. These workshops would explore new approaches to developing relevant and substantive curricular frameworks for introductory biology for non-majors. 3) We would test the restructuring of introductory biology through an experimental design that will enable us to determine what is the most effective design for two kinds of academic communities, state comprehensive university and a sample of community colleges in Arizona. 4) We would follow faculty and their students in a longitudinal study of the course's impacts. Our project -- A Slice of Life: An Introductory Biology Course -- represents an experimental approach to curriculum development that will determine "what works" in non- majors biology courses.