Just as the preparedness of a classroom teacher directly effects the achievement/attitude of students in the school classroom, so can the same be said for the preparedness of university mathematics educators. POEMT is a two-year program to develop a model preservice elementary teacher preparation program. It offers professors and adjuncts an opportunity to participate in two summer sessions and corresponding academic years emulating the NCTM Standards. Three weeks of intensive summer "coursework" at FIU including one week of actual clinical experiences are scheduled each year with follow-up activities each academic year. Participants will be expected to deliver the fruits of their program participation each following academic year through trialling activities and revising their pragram/syllabus. Forty participants will be carefully selected from across the country. An outstanding staff of respected mathematics educators, including current NCTM President, has committed to lead instructional sessions and visit sites. Funding support has also been pledged by Delta Airlines, Cuisenaire Company, and Longman Publishers. The proposal makes a strong case for the need to provide opportunities for professors to upgrade their knowledge and skills to guide the restructuring of preservice teachers, and to interact with colleagues over extended periods of time.