The University of North Carolina at Charlotte is developing an undergraduate cognitive science laboratory which is functioning as a center for student research projects. Upper division students enrolled in independent research are working on a research team under the joint guidance of faculty from several disciplines (Computer Science, Psychology, Philosophy, Linguistics) and participating in a cognitive science seminar. Since cognitive science is a new discipline and there is no formal coursework in this area, the independent research project with a monthly seminar is one way that students can gain an interdisciplinary perspective. The laboratory is equipped with 5 student workstations so that students can use procedures with extensive symbol manipulation and become involved with multimedia projects. This research experience is of particular benefit to those interested in graduate work in cognitive science. After majoring in one of the participating disciplines for 2 years, students are ready to embark on complex issues which require a combination of interdisciplinary knowledge and powerful computers. The Cognitive Science Laboratory is exposing students to a high level of problem-solving mastery. This laboratory is also enriching the curricula of all of the participating departments.