9350836 Sauer This project upgrades and augments the use of a ten station physics laboratory by allowing students the use of computers and other state-of-the-art equipment. In these laboratories students examine the physical laws and concepts of physics not only by experimentation during laboratory sessions, but also on an individual basis from assignments made in the classroom or honors class. By the use of the computer and computer interfacing with sensors, they are able to more quickly and more carefully analyze data while controlling the variables in their experiments. By using CD ROM and interactive computer software, they will be better able to study the concepts in their honors projects or the concepts presented as classroom activities. The project is structured to help increase the students' analytical abilities, to augment their understanding of the physical laws of nature, and to develop their skill in using modern scientific apparatus. With the integration of the new equipment in the laboratory the students gain experiences that go well beyond those that they would have received in traditional general and introductory physics laboratory programs. ***