9350865 Timmerman Mechatronics is a new area of manufacturing engineering science where mechanical, electronic, and computer components are employed using a concurrent design philosophy. The lack of content in the standard Mechanical Engineering curriculum in the areas of microprocessors, computer interfaces, and communications oriented programming presents exceptional challenges to Mechanical Engineering students who need to master mechatronics for industrial careers. This project establishes a laboratory for a second course in controls. The first course in controls includes traditional classical controls subjects such as Laplace transforms, frequency domain design, and root locus design; and presents the mathematical tools needed for industrial control practice. This laboratory, for a second course in controls, continues this subject by presenting the programming and interfacing skills needed for the implementation of controls concepts on the factory floor. The class is intended to fill the gap between academic engineering knowledge and practical engineering knowledge, and to prepare the student to be of immediate use to industry upon graduation. ***