Heidelberg College Physics Department has used the camcorder and VCR to conduct introductory physics laboratories during the past 2 years. The advantage of video in the physics lab is that it has enabled students to study "real world" events. Overall the use of video has been excellent; however, the process of collecting and analyzing data using a VCR and monitor requires an exorbitant amount of time. In order to make the video system more effective at helping students learn physics, Heidelberg College requested funding for 6 computer workstations (MacintoshTM computer, laboratory probe interface, software, and a video-digitizing board).The computer workstations, combined with already existing video equipment, are being used to conduct experiments in the areas of kinematics, dynamics, momentum, angular motion, and energy. The video-taped motion can be shown on the computer's monitor when played through a video-digitizing board. The video can be converted into a digitized movie or played "live." The playback speed of the images can be controlled, thereby allowing the student, with the appropriate software, to carry out measurements using a "mouse." The collected data can be linked to a graphing or spreadsheet program for the student to carry out further analysis.The power of the video/computer workstation is that it allows the student to quickly and efficiently observe and quantify events that cannot be done at the laboratory bench. The workstations allow the students to fully utilize the advantages of the video system by eliminating the drudgery of collecting data from a video tape. This enables the students to spend more time learning the physics.