This project is expanding a pilot program developed by two of the co-principal investigators to enhance the mathematics curriculum at Palomar College with computer technology. Preliminary laboratory materials were developed for teaching one section of College Algebra and one section of Calculus I with a computer laboratory component during the spring 1992 semester. This project is providing the resources to continue that curriculum development and expand to other College Algebra, Precalculus, and Calculus I sections. Macintosh computers and associated peripherals are being used to provide a laboratory component for College Algebra, Precalculus, and Calculus I courses offered by the college. The computers are empowering students to simultaneously represent functions in numeric, symbolic and graphic form. Students can visualize mathematical concepts without the need for excessive preliminary concentration on rote manipulation. Students concentrate on learning concepts through guided discovery, using problem solving strategies, and becoming familiar with how mathematics is done outside the classroom. The laboratory environment is requiring students to work collaboratively and write about the mathematics they are learning.