9351831 Olowin A non-science major Introductory Astronomy Laboratory is being equipped for on-going laboratory experience for undergraduate students. An ensemble of telescopes and accessories enhance and extend the direct experience undergraduates have with the sky. Students have the opportunity to observe and measure celestial bodies such as the sun, moon, planets, stars, bright clusters, nebulae and galaxies directly as well as photograph, measure, and analyze starlight for its composition, intensity, and time variations. Six new 8" telescopes, each equipped with a filar micrometer, a simple spectroscope, and a photometer, are used to augment observational work in the laboratory to a greater degree than was previously possible. Two large-aperture Dobsonian instruments complement the smaller aperture suite to allow students to observe deep-sky objects in a hands-on, cost- effective manner. The new telescopes not only greatly enhance existing and planned curricular offerings at Saint Mary's College, but also serve as a community resource for primary and secondary school training as well as a vehicle for public viewing nights and programs offered through local community centers. ***