9352376 Diaz A Multimedia Computer Laboratory for the Science Division, consisting of workstations connected in a Local Area Network with laser videodisc players and laboratory interfaces for data acquisition, will allow for a radical change in the undergraduate science curriculum. This change in the teaching of calculus, physics, chemistry and astronomy and other science courses will be achieved by using a "hands on" interactive approach in which the student can explore the limits and possibilities of the subject under study. The laboratory is designed to stimulate the curiosity of students and will hopefully develop the students' desire to search for answers, promoting active and inquiring instruction for science and non- science majors. The instruction will be individualized by providing guidance for enrichment and accelerated learning, breaking the barrier of the authoritarian traditional lecture format. We expect to provide a better science education for our students by improving the present level of instruction and enhancing their professional and technical qualifications by an extensive training in the most modern computer technologies. A change in the syllabi for these classes has already been designed and the Mercyhurst faculty involved with them is already prepared in the new techniques. ***