This project will assist in the development of a mathematics laboratory classroom for preservice elementary education students and for a college geometry course for prospective secondary mathematics teachers. The computers and software acquired as a result of this proposal will provide a technological environment which students will use to enhance their mathematical explorations. The course for which this laboratory is being designed serves approximately 300 students per year and is currently undergoing major curriculum development to provide a true laboratory experience in mathematics. This project will make it possible for students to integrate technological approaches with their activity-oriented and manipulative-based approach to learning mathematical concepts. As suggested by the NCTM's Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics, it is essential that preservice teachers have these kinds of mathematical experiences in their undergraduate courses. It is unreasonable to expect these future teachers to provide, for their students, mathematical experiences which involve, for example, problem solving, communication, and the use of technology if they have not experienced that mathematics themselves. The technology available in this laboratory will not only be used to enhance the preservice teacher's expertise, but will also have an important impact on the curriculum development of the elementary laboratory course. Dissemination plans involve use of the developed-curriculum in subsequent courses, inservice workshops for teachers In the region, and the availability of a laboratory manual to help implement the curriculum.