9353944 Wyman "Technology Strategies: Tutorials and Projects" involves 120 participants in one of four two-week workshops offered at The Ohio State University in Summer 1994 and 1995. The workshops include tutorials in mathematical topics, calculator use, and software packages, but they emphasize extensive participant projects that incorporate new technologies and teaching methodologies culminating in presentations during the workshops and at followup meetings. These workshops build on the highly successful Technology Strategies Workshops offered at Ohio State with N.S.F. support in 1992 and 1993. Faculty from two- year and community colleges, four year colleges, and universities are actively recruited. Also, alumni from the previous workshops are invited to attend the Tutorials and Projects workshops. The Participants take home new insights on the national curricular reforms that have developed in the past five years, as well as renewed excitement and enhanced technical skills. As a result of the workshop, they will be able to communicate this excitement to their students. Proceedings volumes will be widely distributed and participants are invited to submit papers for a refereed publication for national dissemination. ***