9354027 Miller The aim of this project is to provide teachers of undergraduate science and engineering courses with sufficient curricular background and information to enable them to introduce the subject of materials science into existing introductory courses or to develop a new introductory course in this area. The project targets teachers in four-year colleges and in community colleges in the Pacific Northwest region. The summer component of this project entails an intensive two-week program in materials science with lectures, small group discussions, laboratories and research sessions for a group of 30 college science, engineering and technology instructors. The variety of activities built into the workshop sessions enables participants to gain hands-on knowledge of the materials field and of working laboratory experiments that can be used in their home institutions, while insuring that they have sufficient time to learn and reinforce needed basic understanding in the materials area. The academic year follow-up activities in the program include curriculum development activities by participants interacting by computer; and a weekend meeting on campus during the academic year will reinforce these activities and provide additional background and advanced topic lectures to participants. ***