9354037 Krinsky Los Angeles Urban Mathematics and Science Teacher Preparation Collaborative Development Grant In order to refine the present course of study and to integrate mathematics, science and technology in the preservice content preparation of undergraduate students a comprehensive course syllabi is being developed for: a) courses specifically aimed at prospective teachers which will infuse technology into the entire preservice education of prospective teachers; b) content specific/integrated lower division beginning level science courses for future mathematics and science teachers, with a stress on integrated science content which includes themes of evolution, Energy, Patterns of Change, Scale and Structure, and Systems and Interactions (as specified in the California Science Framework); c) bridge courses in the mathematics curriculum which help the prospective mathematics teacher make the difficult transition from lower division calculus based courses to upper division theory based courses; d) an upper division "hands on-minds on" geometry course for prospective secondary teachers; and e) an upper division course for prospective secondary teachers which integrates the many disciplines related to environmental science. University faculty, including outstanding mathematicians and scientists will work together with secondary mathematics and science teachers to revise course syllabi and pilot the targeted courses. Cooperating campuses include three of the California State University campuses (Dominguez Hills, Los Angeles and Northridge), the University of California, Santa Barbara, and Loyola Marymount. ***