9354567 Chiang Instructional materials in modular form are being developed for a five-course interdisciplinary educational package in "Fluid/Particle Processing and Separation" for all engineering and related programs. The instructional materials include detailed lecture outlines and notes, problems and examples, laboratory units, computer software, audio/video recordings and instructor's guides. The University of Pittsburgh is teamed with four other institutions, the Iowa State University, the University of Minnesota, the Pennsylvania State University and the University of Texas (Austin), to develop this undergraduate curriculum. Faculty members from these five institutions, representing chemical, petroleum, and mechanical engineering, and mineral processing, together with a diverse group of industrial partners, are working as an interdisciplinary team to ensure a balanced approach to the curriculum development. A network of corporate members of major engineering societies, including AFS, AlChE, AIME, ASEE, ASME, and SPE, is also included in the project. The role of these professional societies is to help promote the importance of the curriculum, and to assist in achieving the ultimate goal of wide dissemination and adoption of the educational materials. ***y