9451000 Arvanitis The project is intended to provide Trenton State College's undergraduate chemistry majors (and also biology majors) with experience in using a 300 MHz FT NMR spectrometer. An integrated instructional approach is planned which begins with the introduction of simple NMR techniques in the sophomore level organic chemistry laboratory. The instrument will also receive extensive use in advanced elective courses which require physical chemistry as a prerequisite. The desire for faculty to include an experimental NMR component in organic chemistry courses is readily understood and there is a growing trend to do so. The role that an NMR can play in undergraduate education in the areas of inorganic chemistry and biochemistry has not been explored to the same extent. Several new experiments have been designed for these particular courses that are unique and would be of interest to other colleges and universities. The instrument will also receive a great deal of use in our undergraduate research program. The excitement generated by a new sophisticated spectrometer will inspire more students to become involved in research projects and to pursue graduate studies in chemistry. The NMR training that the program will provide will dramatically improve the preparation of graduates for immediate employment in chemical industries.