9451318 Tullis The California State University (CSU) computer networking system gives students access to science education resources. Undergraduate science courses on our campus, as well as other sites, will be accessed via the network to a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with an X-ray micro analyzer and a digital imaging system. This instrumentation will be used to teach structure/function relationships to biology students and structure/process relationships to geology and chemistry students. We will use teaching methods that will incorporate interactive, hands-on curricular units designed to promote inquiry through observation and experimental design while providing the means to manipulate and view microscopic objects. Specific laboratory units based on SEM image capture followed by analysis and interpretation will be incorporated into major and general education courses and student research projects. This concept can be applied to any PC operated scientific instrumentation. The results of this project will be disseminated through a variety of means that reach a large audience throughout the California State University system and local community schools.