9451348 Thorbjarnarson This project is providing undergraduate majors in hydrogeology with hands-on, practical field and laboratory experience that is vital to their future employment or graduate research. The equipment is being utilized in a new undergraduate course: Field and Laboratory Techniques in Hydrogeology. In addition, the new equipment is being used in other classes and is increasing undergraduate research opportunities. This field and laboratory course is being taught for the first time in the Spring of 1994 and the field component is being conducted at the new San Diego State University (SDSU) well field site. The new equipment is being included in several of the field exercises of this new course. Several peristaltic pumps, a bladder pump, and a set of packers are being used in the following exercises: Water Sampling, Well Purging, Tracer Testing. A pump, water level probes, pressure transducers and a data logger are being used for the Water Level Measurement and Well Pump Test exercises. Permeameters are being used in the laboratory estimation of core sample permeability, while specific ion electrodes, meters and a fluorometer are being used in the Tracer Test exercises.