9451815 Huse Kilgore College is a public community college located in the heart of East Texas. Typical of the area, Kilgore has a high percentage of low-income families and a high minority population. Total enrollment for the campus is approximately 8,670 students with 4,570 in credit degree courses. After a careful needs assessment, the area of immediate need is the expansion of lab facilities to include multimedia technologies for Computer Science majors. This grant allows introductory computer science classes to enhance the students education through multimedia in cooperative learning groups. Curriculum has been developed to include hands-on activities using telecommunication, audio and video digitizing, video disc, CD-ROM products and hypermedia. Hypermedia applications allow students to manipulate information in the form of text, graphics, video, voice, and animation, and to access large amounts of this information quickly and efficiently through the creation of logical linkage. The goal for the student lab assignment is to allow each programming structure to be covered in a visual and exciting way using multimedia technology so that this enthusiasm and understanding can be carried to the students' other programming courses. Our society has changed dramatically over the past decade, and our colleges must be restructured to accommodate the increase in information and the technology used in harnessing that information. The hardware purchase allows students to expand their knowledge of computer science through multimedia programming.