9452514 Blaha We propose to bring Carleton's observational astronomy program into the 21st century through the introduction of state-of-the-art technology in our laboratories and lectures. This ILI project will equip a new astronomical image processing lab which will enable our students to gather their own images here on campus, to use modern astronomical software packages to analyze their data and to interpret their results in a collaborative research setting. Through experimenting with two small format CCD cameras, we have found the ST-6 camera to be the best choice in terms of high quality images and ease of operation. We are requesting five new ST-6 CCD cameras to equip the six 8-inch Meade reflectors used in observational labs, with camera control and data acquisition to be provided by six Macintosh Duo systems. These Macintosh computers will also be used in the lab to run the Voyager II planetarium display packages, telescope observing simulators as well as numerous image analysis programs. A fully equipped software laboratory will allow both introductory and advanced students to explore the universe and to understand the celestial motions they observe. Two Sun workstations will provide more powerful image processing tools, access to data on the Internet and rapid image data storage and retrieval when connected with the network of Macintoshes. To provide more advanced research opportunities, we are also requesting a Photometrics Star-1 CCD and a spectrograph to be used with our permanently mounted refractors. With these tools, students and faculty will create new lab experiments to engage future generations of observers and challenge them to learn the power of modern astronomical observing techniques. ***