9452583 D'Alessandris The main goal of this project is to improve the learning, retention, and application of physics concepts and principles by students enrolled in physics classes at Monroe Community College (MCC). This will be accomplished by developing a comprehensive, four-semester physics laboratory sequence based on the physics education and cognitive research based curriculum of Real-Time Physics. This curriculum relies upon the integration of microcomputers into the laboratory to perform data collection, analysis, and graphing, as well as to construct, execute, and display simulations of physical phenomenon. However, some units of Real-Time Physics are not yet commercially available and, even when completed, Real-Time Physics will not provide a comprehensive laboratory curriculum. Therefore, aspects of other curricula, including Workshop Physics, Tools for Scientific Thinking and Spreadsheet Physics will be integrated with Real-Time Physics into a four-semester laboratory curriculum. This project will encourage students to continue study in physics or engineering, help prepare MCC physics courses for the next century, and to stimulate other colleges, both two-year and four-year, to adopt this approach.