9452623 Walters The project involves the establishment of a vibrations and acoustics laboratory that will not only support the curricula of the department of mechanical engineering and the department of manufacturing engineering, but will also aid in the development of lab exercises which integrate fundamental mathematical concepts into the labs and which build in complexity until a capstone lab which requires the students to instrument, acquire and analyze a real problem in industry. An innovative feature of the laboratory development effort its incorporation with the newly legislated Rio Grand Valley Center for Manufacturing located at the University. The Center will provide the oportunity for students to access local manufacturers in support of laboratory exercises. Manufacturers will also be able to request that student senior design projects use the facilities of the laboratory to address the manufacturers engineering needs. The faculty is committed to instruction which is based in laboratory and industrial experience. With approximately 500 manufacturers in the Rio Grande Valley, there are a virtually endless number of student projects available. This project will equip the students and faculty with industrial grade as well as educational grade equipment. Thus, basic concepts can be demonstrated and experienced on the educational grade equipment and the student can progress to the exact equipment which is considered to be an industrial standard.