9453257 Johansen Leading math, science, and technology educators from Texas are forming a state-wide consortium, Texas Center for the Replication of Excellence in Advanced Technological Education, or Texas CREATE. The consortium has established Long-Range Goals for a Center: to link the consortium state-wide; to establish partnerships in education, industry, and government that result in regional science academies; to validate the skills requirements of regional employers; to produce and implement interdisciplinary curricula and methodologies for delivery of instruction in mathematics, science and technology core courses; to produce and implement integrated curricula in environmental technology; to strengthen enrollment, retention, and job placement for women and minorities; to establish a network between industry and education that results in internships and cooperative exchanges; and to disseminate the results of the Center's activities. Texas CREATE anticipates the following activities during planning year: organization of interdisciplinary teams; commitments from regional partners that will lead to science academies; establishment of the scope of investigation to be performed by the center; development of communication links; brainstorming with partners at regional meetings; development of a canvassing instrument for surveying industries; development, testing, and refinement of a model instruction module; development of a model for faculty enhancement and teacher training; development of a strategy for recruitment, retention and job placement for women and minorities; recommendation on several environmental technology programs and a plan for integrating environmental technology into programs that exist; and a model for curriculum development. ***