The goal of this project is flexible, consistent introductory engineering design education for a diverse pool of students who follow single-institution or transfer paths to their baccalaureate engineering degrees. The project links universities to community colleges to produce design education that is "integrated throughout the curriculum" as needed for accreditation. Project objectives are: * Establish a curricular structure for well-defined, transferable introductory design education in an environment of diverse institutions, curricula, and students; * Produce transportable curricular materials and instructional methods that support effective "integrated" engineering design education in transfer environments; * Enable faculty at a variety of institutions to adopt, implement, and evaluate exemplary materials and methods suitable for their programs and their students; and * Achieve increased enrollment and retention of students, especially women, minorities, and disabled, in early engineering design courses. Curriculum materials are developed to meet learning objectives for introductory design, to fit a variety of institutions, and to serve students with diverse backgrounds and interests. Faculty workshops transfer these learning objectives and strategies for achieving them in a variety of settings, and they prepare faculty to adopt materials and methods to use in classes with diverse student populations. Exemplary curricular materials are packaged for distribution.