Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL) will operate a coordinated series of workshops for undergraduate faculty in the sciences and mathematics during each year 1995 and 1996. These workshops on Program that Work, each involving approximately 20 three-person institutional participant teams, will emphasize classroom and laboratory enhancements in undergraduate science and mathematics. The objectives for these PKAL Workshops are 1) to disseminate information on current reform efforts in teaching undergraduate science and mathematics, reforms that have created systemic change within an institution and as well as improved one course; 2) to encourage regional and national networks of faculty concerned with curriculum reform; 3) to foster a national environment which supports improvements in undergraduate science and mathematics. The Workshops will focus on eight issues: Revitalizing Introductory Courses in 1) Biology, 2) Chemistry, 3) Mathematics and 4) Physics; 5) Science as a Liberal Art; 6) Interdisciplinary Programs; 7) The Research-based Curriculum, and 8) Programs for Minority Student Success. Each issue, to be presented in a series of workshops, will be coordinated by a Workshop Advisory Board and issues Task Forces, individuals selected on the basis of their leadership in PKAL, their involvement with a PKAL Program that Works, and the recognition of their work by the community.