9455998 Douglas A consortium of colleges and universities on Long Island in conjunction with the State University of New York seeks funds to plan a comprehensive proposal for the new NSF EHR initiative, Mathematical Sciences and Their Application Throughout the Curriculum. The State University of New York at Stony Brook is the lead member in this consortium which includes public and private, 2-year, 4-year and doctoral institutions. The proposal's goals are to: (i) change the culture among quantitative departments to produce cooperation and improved instruction in mathematical aspects of their curriculum; and (ii) create new courses and curricular materials that integrate mathematical sciences instruction with topics from mathematically based disciplines. The change will start in Long Island institutions, then move to SUNY-wide implementation (64 institutions), and then be disseminated to other institutions inside and outside New York. The City University of New York will also be involved. The SUNY Central Administration has committed $20,000 for a workshop at Stony Brook in fall 1994 to lay the groundwork for this initiative in SUNY. SUNY is developing plans to sustain and institutionalize this initiative within SUNY after the end of NSF funding.