In Fall 1994 changes were made to ACS 168 Structured Problem Solving Using the Computer. These changes included a move from a mainframe to a personal computer environment, a change in language to C, and the addition of a 2-hour weekly lab. These changes have provided students with the opportunity to use more sophisticated software development tools, fostered more interaction with students, and enabled the provision of innovative experiences that are interactive, use graphical user interfaces, use multimedia presentations, and are closer to the student's previous experiences. Laboratory modules to support the lab sessions, about half of which have multimedia components, were also developed and implemented. The prototype modules use only the graphics capabilities of the authoring tool (Multimedia Toolbook). The principal investigators seek support to extend the modules to include audio, scanned images, and video clips. This grant is funding the development and use of an electronic CD-ROM lab book for ACS 168. There are two versions of the lab book: (1) the instructor's version, containing lab modules complete with runtime versions of the multimedia components, the source code for labs, the multimedia help facility, answers to lab activities, the instructor's lab manual, and the automated grading system, and (2) the student version, containing lab modules complete with runtime versions of the multimedia components, the source code for labs, the multimedia help facility, and ancillary documents.