Improvement in the quality of education in geophysical exploration of the shallow subsurface is realized through the acquisition of up-to-date remote-sensing geophysical instrumentation. This equipment is used initially in the development of an environmental geophysical field site and subsequently is integrated into the geologic field courses. This new site provides an area where students can be taught geophysical and hydrological techniques within a controlled environment. The geology department teaches inquiry-based science courses with the main objective of problem solving. The new instrumentation enables the faculty to upgrade geophysical instruction in the introductory and upper-division courses as well as student research programs. The new equipment includes (1) a proton precession magnetometer with a gradiometer, (2) a 12-channel hammer seismic unit, (3) an electrical resistivity unit, (4) a ground penetrating radar system with antennae, (5) water wells for monitoring purposes, (6) a portable generator, and (7) a computer system with plotter. With this new equipment, the department is able to instruct students in modern remote-sensing techniques including computer-assisted data interpretation and analysis. Additionally, students can, through courses and research, obtain the technological skills needed to address current human impact on the environment.