Through this project, state-of-the-art diode array detector spectrophotometers, microscope attachments, an ELISA plate reader, cold cabinets, and supporting equipment is purchased and an HPLC system upgraded to achieve full integration of collaborative learning activities into selected core and elective courses in the Biology Department. Incorporation of collaborative approaches to laboratory work have been highly effective in a trial program in Research and Analysis. This approach is now enalarged to include additional core courses and elective courses in biology. The new equipment permits the introduction of modern cellular-focused activities and projects into a required sophomore-level course, enabling faculty to introduce students to this important phase of biology early in their curricula. As a result, a significant increase in hands-on student involvement is occurring in a number of courses. A corresponding expansion in the range of undergraduate research projects our students might pursue is anticipated. The new equipment is greatly enhancing the learning opportunities available to students.