A new scanning electron microscope is being incorporated into 10 existing courses in a diverse, interdisciplinary curriculum. An environmental SEM with an x-ray microprobe analyzer is being added to enhance teaching and student research programs in electron microscopy, cell structure and function, identification and growth analysis of aquatic microorganisms, and the analysis of structures in chemistry and materials science. An environmental SEM permits easy sample preparation, thus increasing the use of the instrument. The addition of an x-ray microprobe (EDS) creates a complete analytical tool for probing chemical composition and distribution, a particularly important tool for the synthesis and integration of chemistry and materials science. Small laboratory classes permit hands-on use of the SEM by beginning science students and increase science awareness and attractiveness to non-science-majors. The microscope also enhances an existing model program for cooperative service-learning with a local high school for the addition of advanced scientific methods. The course use of the SEM-EDS is expected to increase the use of electron optics in student research, presentations, and publications.