Judith H. Hector DUE 9552262 Walters State Community College FY1995 $ 48,148 Morristown, TN 378136899 ILI - IP Mathematics Title: Mathematics Computer Laboratory Through this project, a networked computer lab dedicated to college level mathematics courses is being established. The courses include Calculus I, II, and III and Differential Equations. The first 3 of these courses are 5 semester hours. Differential Equations is likely to change from 3 semester hours to 4 to incorporate more linear algebra in response to changes at transfer institutions. Graphing calculators have replaced computers on projects. They have enabled students explore functional behavior, visualize, and program numerical techniques. In Differential Equations, students draw by hand a direction fields and trajectories in the x,y-phase plane for a differential equation of the form dx/dt = f(x,y), but they will explore a number of differential equations of this form using MacMath. In Calculus III, three-dimensional graphing using Theorist will enable students to visualize vectors and analytic geometry in space as well as partial derivatives. Calculus I and II projects will focus on mathematical modeling.