William D. Casey DUE 9552355 Wayne County Community College FY1995 $ 14,000 Detroit, MI 482263010 ILI - Instrumentation Project: Life Sciences Title: Enhancing Learning Using Computers To Improve Data Analysis In The Biology Laboratory Wayne County Community College (WCCC) is a large, urban, predominantly minority, open door institution located in the most populated county in Michigan, Wayne County. Several goals of our core curriculum aim at educating WCCC students to become computer literate, to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills and to learn to work as a team. Through the National Science Foundation (NSF~ grant, computer, printers, software, and other multimedia material can be purchased to equip each Biology lab on each of the 4 academic campuses. Thus, our students will be able to enhance their abilities and become competent and confident with using a computer and other instrumentation. In addition, the software will allow the students and instructor to simulate real life problems i.e., B/P readings, temperature, heart rate and plot graphs as well as many other lab simulations.